Other words

If I did something wrong, I don't care

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

What Love means?

Love means happyness,
love means sacrifice,
love means a lot of patience,
love means so many troubles.
Love almost means that for a little while you will be the happiest person in this life, then you will pass to be the sadness one on the entire world.
But with and without that, love is the best thing that can ever happen in your life.





Inspirado en la cancion Cherish - Ai Outsuka

Actualiza, comparte y gana con Perfil de Windows Live

2 comentarios:

Sara dijo...

*-* que bien escribes
mejoras en ingles


te quiero anetha


Jazz T. dijo...

MEjoro.. pero tengo un super error feo D:. Thanks for coming :w: